Fields of Application

3D Process

“3-D Process” is an innovative system developed by Frigo Impianti S.r.l. that drastically reduces the processing time of sliced cold cuts without altering their characteristics and quality, and offers the possibility of producing sliced cold cuts of any nationality and category, without the use of additives or special bacterial cultures.

What is the layout of this new system?
The 3-D process lasts a total of 3 days. It begins when the cured meat products are ready for the fermentation cycle and it ends when the slices have been matured and packaged.
The first stage of the process involves a 48-hour fermentation cycle in the room.
After this time, the whole products are ‘hardened’ in a cold chamber for a variable time depending on their size, until they reach a consistency suitable for automatic slicing.
When the slices are ready, they are placed inside a dehydration tunnel where rapid curing (maturation) takes place in less than an hour (the time may vary depending on the thickness of the slices and the desired weight reduction).
After curing, the slices are cooled and packaged.

What are the results?
Numerous tests on different types of products, both Italian and foreign, showed very interesting results.
The chemical-physical and microbiological parameters of a product cured with the ‘3-D Process’ were the same as those of the same product cured with traditional technology. Tests with some customers were also very satisfactory, both in terms of taste and colour and consistency.
To further confirm the validity of the process, a collaboration has been initiated with the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche, which is carrying out a research project (IZSUM 01/11 RC) on products obtained with the 3D Process. ‘Food safety and chemical-physical, sensory and microbiological properties of new food-grade cured meats’ is the name of the project, funded by the Ministry of Health.

The benefits of this innovation
The ‘3-D Process’ is an alternative and innovative production system that offers numerous advantages to the production and marketing processes of sliced products compared to traditional methods. Here are some of them:

  • High flexibility of the productive cycle.
  • Increased productivity and, consequently, reduced risk of product spoilage during the production process.
  • Ability to develop and launch new products on the market more quickly.
  • Direct production cost reduction for the same product obtained.
  • Significant reduction in the space required for the production unit for the same quantities obtained.
  • Reduction of supply on hand (with the possibility to produce just in time).
  • Reduced financial costs due to improved cash flow.